Lider Makine Model Teknik Bilgiler

Geri Dön

Modeller Profession

 Pouring the formed metals and alloys consisting of particles with sand molds in order to obtain the molding and the process in accordance with principles like performing zorunludur.ahşap, metal, plastic, or all three made ​​utilizing these examples'' MODEL'' is called
 Modeling (MACHINE Modelling) WHAT IS?
 Modeling profession purpose sand mold casting is to be made which affords the possibility of components and technology evolves yapmaktır.dökümhane models to be used herein may be manufactured in compliance developed. Machinery industry developing in our country of manufacture is formed as a first step, the machine model replaces almıştır.bükülerek shaped unable machine parts the most effective way of obtaining pouring (mines high temperature effect was dissolved loss) şekillendirmedir.dökülerek be shaped machine parts, construction of a variety of steps geçer.b step machine with the press of a painter and the model continues. After that comes the casting and leveling stages. is the art of doing so. Models based on simple mass production of special structures in addition to being edited.
 WHO IS machine modeller?
 We have done above machine of modeling definition based on the art of applying this regard trained to persons skilled machine modeller denmektedir.i a machine modeller;-Tech official knows best,-Mould has information-General Metalworking operations bilir.unut avoid those that have machine modeller, wood, metal, plastic , and so on. scale modeling applications should also do well.
 Maker of modeling has an important place in the industry. Business case to be made for the first time the three-dimensional image making is brought to you by modelers. So the machine is to biridir.yapıl of manufacturing of basic professional cast (ergiterek shaping) will be obtained through the model where they do.
 Model or a factory workshops tailored to organizations operating within the show. Models must be conducive to development workshops. wood, plastic and metal processing units with machines, materials, pictures households, Talimhane measuring, marking and control sections separately olmalıdır.ately the lighting, ventilation, sanitation should be better regulated. Machines will be used in the workshop, warehouse, models should be well planned warehouses.
 Accidents, carelessness, lack of knowledge, from low morale, and adjustment difficulties rather than fussy attitude consists in the speediness. Accidents are not dependent on chance and fate. A full study to those found in workplaces all measures have been taken to ensure safety. However, always think of an event can be, on the lookout and you need to take personal precautions. Big Business accidents occur, especially in machines. Saws and blades extending our hands are constantly faced with the danger. Accidents in workshops, students gain a consequent safe work habits are born. Therefore it is necessary warning signs, boards should be organized, safe navigation and work areas should be created. uyulmalıdır.makine to warning signs in work rules must be observed when working. Caution should be exercised when working with hand tools.
 • CLOTHING: loose clothing Avoid necessarily work apron should be worn handles plenty should not be, apron front should be kept closed, ties, necklaces, watches, catalog work as to prevent accidents and cause the body to be carefull if necessary, should be removed.
 • When cutting jobs were found next to or must be fitted with safety glasses, goggles worn should be appropriate to your needs.
 • Do not joke with your friends. Chase each other.
 • teacher or person concerned must be informed of all types of injury.
 • Nails, screws should not be taken as incidental objects.
 • One belongs to someone else to buy tools and supplies.
 • Talas in the study area, parts, clean the dust and dirt.
 • If you remove objects can be moved, move up or ask for help from others, you can move your body move in an upright position while moving.
 • Keep hands and fingers away from the mouth of the cutting tools tutunuz.kesic control of the instrument must be careful when using the instrument.
 • When moving cutting tools must be careful not to bump into a place of mouth.
 • Fractures, torn, crushed tools should not be used blunt instruments should not be used
 • Machine tools and tools that you use on a remove unnecessary it will not hurt you,
 • All tools and equipment designated for your safety regulations.
 • Taking the appropriate permissions to use a machine instruction.
 • the necessary safety precautions before starting the machine and the machine and adjust the settings for your care.
 • Machine failure, damaged or non-working machines or related to inform teachers. • Your conversations with others working on the machine.
 • Often machines only person should work. • Rotating blades full in the face to pause. • The machine stops until you Do not leave. • Machine motor, or is part overheats work when the last data of the fuse or circuit breaker Download investigate the cause and related have reported.
 • Unnecessarily oynamayınız.on with the machine switches and dental insurance SAFETY RULES FOR koruyunuz.yang knocks • Easily flammable liquids (paint thinner, paint, gasoline, diesel, etc.). Should be stored in closed containers in a safe place. • Oil, thinner, and so on. infected parts must be destroyed or should be stored.
 • Wood chip chip board pieces in the workshop should be cleaned should be thrown out of the workshop. • Fire will be informed about wasting time at the beginning, as a first measure should cut the power.
 • Fire extinguishers should be inspected for occupancy of the property lost or expired fire extinguishers should be replaced with new ones.
 CHAPTER III. Used for modeling the TEAMS
 2) sculpted TEAMS
 A) Render and varieties
 B) Pens (= chisel) (flat, corrugated, holes, carving, lathe)
 A) measuring tools:
 1) meters, 2) calipers
 B) marking tools: 1) Angles (fixed, adjustable, universal) 2) Plate and Mihengir. 3) Compasses and thicknessing 5) modelers knife and spots
 4) to CUTTING TOOL) Saws and çesitleri5) DRILL TEAMS) matkaplar6) AEGEAN AND TÖRPÜLER7) HAMMERS AND TOKMAKLAR8) machines1 USED IN TORTURE AND MENGENELER.MODELCİLİK. Bandsaw machines, 2 Circular saws, 3 Slotting machine, 4 Moulder, 5 Lathe, 6 Vertical milling machine, 7 Makinasi8 decoupage. Drill machine, 9 Special makineler.modelcilik TAKIMLAR1-MACHINES USED IN: on the fairy tale is easily workable. Is to be done should be done in this table. Is to be made ​​is made from solid beech wood. Benches are two types of German and French type. Modeling of getting type usually used machines.
 BENCH section to: 1) Countertops 2) the team space, 3) clamps the heading, 4) front clamp and lug, 5) in the vise shaft 6) rear clamp 7) rear vise shaft, 8) vise handle, 9) bench front iron 10 ) bench in the back iron 11) bench front beam 12) bench rear beam
 2 - The sculptor was used for modeling TEAMS
 A) grating RENDER:
 Used to obtain a smooth surface of the chipper is one team.
 1 FLAT Planers:
 2 special-shaped graters:
 A) coarse grater (cutting angle 45 - 48 degrees) B) Single-rendering (cutting angle 45 - 48 degrees) C) Double-rendering (cutting angle 48 - 50 degrees) D) Planer (cutting angle 45 - 48 degrees) e) Trowel grated (cutting angle 48 - 50 degrees) F) threaded rendering (cutting angle 80 degrees) A) Falcgebels (Flat base) B) Studded're rendering) Docking're rendering) Curved'm rendering) tuned drink.
 RENDER's PART: RENDER TIGI portions of: 1) Mirrors 2) Sirt3) taban4) Cutting agiz5) Sharpening angle (25-30-34 degrees) 6) Free açi7) Cutting angle float rendering slotting Gear rendering Curved rendering mineral render smooth base tuned drink
 RENDER sharpening of TIGA: click Render in the first rough grinding stone sanding is done. Crochet width of the base must be twice the thickness of clicks. Render the trenches is based on clicks. by moving left or right click with the rough shaping is done. When you click the grinding process to prevent escape of combustion and water frequently batırılmalıdı not know until the water in the bowl is made fat. while sharpening stone in oil; 1 - click on the bottom of the oil cup is fully seated. 2 - Oval and click with linear movement is driven by pressing gently on the surface of the bottom of the bowl. This process is continued until the surface stripes disappear. 3 - Mirror design is applied to partial oil. Reticle same treatment is continued until it fell.
 3 - EQUITY (= chisel) Cutting, chipping, fix, hole punching, corner, and a channel tree on the surfaces of various shapes such as cleaning instruments used in committing the tree is called tillage items. Items steel rod-shaped body and the tree detects occurred gelmiştir.gör their business in terms of five groups ayrılır.1) Flat pencils 2) Corrugated item 3) Hole kalemleri4) Priming 5) Turning kalemleri1) FLAT ITEMS = Straight Items blades and a handle including two portions separated. In the form of rectangular cross section as in the cutting edge tip rendering clicks on the other end has a tail part entering into the handle. Stem partly made ​​of hard wood or plastic. more by entering the stem portion of the tail trying to avoid fracturing handle bills were introduced. Crochet items such as flat grater 25 - 30 degree wedge angle is knows as giving crochet rendering. This is referred to with the pen width. width of 32 mm up to 4 mm in two different spells.
 2) Corrugated spring is in the form of PEN = Section. Body length of the flat rim is beveled internally or externally. Grinding is such that the angles for the other items. With dimensions of width and spring is referred to. Corrugated another form of items that are cantilevered. Corrugated pencil sharpening of the teeth are sharpened by turning in a partial flat items like emery stones. The oil is then sharpened up the stripes disappear in stone. My people design the interior of the corner with the oil or fat bowl in the shape of the stylus is in the know. pen stylus slotted holes
 3) HOLE PENCIL = fig and feature a flat pen that looks like in terms of the narrow width of the pen, the thickness is greater. Toward the stem is narrower in width. Mortise is used in the opening and turning on.
 4) = curved and angular parts of chisels are used for carving. in different ways and become externally chamfered. various carved items:
 5) TURNING TOOLS = Turning on the camera used to obtain the items that are part of the circular. These items are longer and wider blade and handle partial. In turning lathe tools to do a job; receiving support from the trenches on the right, left, shown around the cutting and scraping will remove the Talas.
 1-Rough ITEMS: Name Gets Rough machining of parts. Is part of a branch, easy cuts.
 There are two varieties. a) corrugated rough Talas item: at the opening of the concave profile and curved surfaces are used to turning. There are externally chamfered and rounded cutting edge. b) Flat tip curved Items: small curved rough getting used in Talas. scraping will remove the Talas.
 2 - FLAT ITEMS: Large flat blades are made ​​of and who knows one side. Cascading is used.
 3 - partition ITEM: ali was roughing in part the size of the pane, used for cutting is finished.
 4 - BENT ITEMS: No more than 1-2 mm in extent Talas bring a measure taken in parts, which is used to obtain a smooth surface inclined 20 degrees to either side are pens.
 5 - SPEAR-tipped pen: Generally, at the opening of'' V''-shaped profile, convex curved item can not enter the places used for turning. flat pencils are sharpened like.
 6-SPECIAL ITEMS PROFILE: usually small compared to the radius of curvature in the construction of the arch are sharpened pencil.
 ITEMS sharpened: Straight pencil sharpening of rendering is done as in crochet. Unlike partial teeth grinding stone of scalper after the fine grinding of the coarse grinding is done. My inner person or pen with the edge of the oil cup-shaped grinding stone is taken in the reticle

17.07.2014 01:38:59 tarihinde eklendi  11813 kez okundu.

Geri Dön





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